What about the other part, "An object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an outside force" ?
This part of Newtons Law is demonstrated by people who have flown through the windshield of their car.
Lets say you are moving North at 60 miles an hour down the highway and there is a stalled car in front of him. What outside forces will change your direction or rate?
The first that comes to mind is the force of Reason which will take in sensory data and move the mind to make a decision to either change lanes (direction), or slow down (rate).
Lets say that Reason has decided that it is too dangerous to change lanes and has decided to make you slow the car down and you put on the breaks.
Lets also say that you did not see that fact that the car was stalled until it was too late to stop the car or change lanes, and you hit the car at 20 miles an hour.
But there are other forces that could stop you from moving at 20 miles an hour: your seat belt and let say the airbag as well.
In the end, you have stopped moving, and although you are bruised, and maybe hit your head on the windshield, you are alive and will be able to recover.
Practical outside forces which change the direction and rate of ourselves are good if we let them impact us. The seatbelt (we consent to buckle ourselves) The airbag, (we consent to buying a car with one, or turn it on), our Sensing and Reason(because we are alive, we generally consent to try to stay alive), are all forces we implement to preserve to and extend our life.
So what can we conclude? Life does not have to be a battle against Inertia(resistance to change) with Docility, being passive to outside forces. And something alive will tend to stay alive.
We know there are sudden obstacles in life which threaten to reverse our being but equipped with active forces such as Awareness, (being more sensitive, or focused, processing and making reasonable decisions) and Forethought( Seat belt, airbag,) an active force, we can avoid having to stop, or slow down, or die.
So what if the driver was driving 60 miles an hour in an old convertible or jeep or something with no windshield, with no airbag, did not wear his seat belt and did not see the stalled car at all? He would have gone flying through the air at 60 miles an hour.
We know that he would eventually fall and most likely die. But let us think for a moment, What obstacles, and restraints do we try to put in front of God, to "slow down, or stop" his will? Just think, if completely docile to the force of God's Love, we could fly too!
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