Monday, April 21, 2014

Primary Things

Colors. I like colors.
Colors are like numbers to me.
I wonder how many colors there are. 

There are only so many different wavelengths of light 
that we can identify as distinct colors. 
That is because our eyes can only receive a certain range of  wavelengths 
in which our brain translates to images and color.

But does that mean that the other wave lengths of light do not have colors?
We have Ultra Violet light, which we can't see and yet call a color.   
What if it is that all light has a color but we just can't see it? 

What if there are more than three primary colors?
What if we gave each prime number a primary color?
Then each number would have a specific color, or amount of color, (4 would be the same color as 16 but 16 would be bolder or more dense, or have a greater area even though the prime roots would be the color 2)

And what would the purpose of doing this be? Well, each number then (although each has it's special prime factors) would be characterized into something that one could experience. If numbers could be expressed as a color with certain properties, one can compare it to other numbers, not abstractly by its mathematical properties, but by its sensible properties. Color, texture, viscosity, density, ect. are all properties of the the material world that cause us, not only to sense but respond to and react to. 

And who would care to experience numbers? That is not the point. How is it that the human mind works? How is it that we can understand abstract ideas?

God created of himself. He is tangible and can be experienced and known, not only in abstract concepts but also in a tangible reality. God became Man so that Man could be restored and become like God. 

It is hard to interact with a number or have any feelings, or relationship with it, but its easier to know a painting, or enjoy a soft blanket, or confidently wear a favorite styled outfit. We as humans can easily identify with art. But just think, all that color, style, texture, shapes, are abstract concepts which can be easily known. 

God is omnipotent. An idea "sublime" "abstract," but we experience Him in all of created things as everything is of Him. One just can't escape his Love. Let yourself be embraced.

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