Wednesday, April 23, 2014

3+4=7 Coincidence?

There are four cardinal directions. North , South, East and West
There are four Cardinal Virtues: Prudence, Temperance, Fortitude, and Justice

The first set shows man how to get places on this earth, and where things are relative to each other.
The second set is handy when living in society, they are like a key or guide to relating well with others in a community.

There are three directions in space: x,y and z
There are three Theological Virtues: Faith, Hope, and Charity

The first set orients one where they are in space and time and motion
The second set orients the self to an ordered perception of themselves within time space and history.

The cardinal directions helps us live well with each other in the flesh and material world
The "tri-oriental" directions help us live well with ourselves, created in the image and likeness of God.

Perhaps this is why 7 is considered a "lucky" or "good" or  "perfect" or "religious" number
7 = 3+4 

Could 7 be a sum of how man is to live in a way that fares well for his society and soul. 

For fun: but not random

North: Prudence
because Prudence or Wisdom is that which we generally tend to ask from above.

Temperance: South 
because temperance has to do with our daily lives down on earth and involves our basic material needs and goods. (food,reproduction,provision)

Fortitude: East 
Just as the rising sun may grant us new hope, so does Fortitude help us stand bright in the darkest situations and move forward.

Justice: West 
Justice is an active force. Just as the sun sets and emits red light, so are we willing to shed blood and give our all to the last dying day in the name of Justice.

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